Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 31

Although I have completed the 30 day challenge, it will by no means be the end of my bjb photos. These will be continuing until the end of June. My progress can be viewed here.


  1. Ha! looks like he's bringing home his treasure!

    I like how you have him simply partially in the frame!

  2. I never knew bjb could make so many nice images. You did wonderful Andromeda. I enjoyed watching your gallery.

  3. You know, I had commented here but I think it was up on the 30th my time and didn't realize it was the last day. I wanted to take the time to tell you that I have really enjoyed coming to see your gallery every day of January. Your compositions were always excellent and you never ceased to amaze me with your new ideas. I am blown away by the fact that you are doing a shoot every single day. A little, nuts? yeah, but wonderful nuts :-D Congratulatioins on a very unique and special gallery.
